FOI request (FOI-82860504)
Appliance Recycling
Requested Thu 26 July 2018
Responded Wed 15 August 2018I would like to make a request for information you hold, as per the Freedom Of Information Act 2000.
Please could you provide me with the following information:
1. Are there white goods (fridges, washing machines, tumble dryers) recycling facilities in the local authority area?
2. If yes in what form for white goods a) council collection service b) municipal recycling facility c) both?
3. Are there small appliance (e.g. irons, toasters, kettles) recycling facilities in the local authority area?
4. Are there on-street municipal recycling facilities (e.g. appliance bins) for small appliances in the local authority area?
5. Is there advice available for local residents on recycling appliances on the local authorities website?
Q1 - Yes. Items can be taken to the Household Waste and Recycling Site on Pebsham Lane, St Leonards run by East Sussex County Council (ESCC). Hastings Borough Council (HBC) also offers a bulky waste service for £21 for three items.
Q2 - C as above in question 1
Q3 - Yes. At the four main supermarkets - there are WEEE banks run by Veolia - located at Asda, Sainsburys, Morrisons and Tesco.
There is also one at community centre which services over 2000 properties - one at a large block of flats which services over 400 residents and also one at the leisure centre.
Q4 - No
Q5 - Yes, information can be found on both websites for ESCC (www.eastsussex.gov.uk) and HBC (www.hastings.gov.uk)
Freedom of Information
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