FOI request (FOI-81826269)
Foster Care
Requested Tue 17 July 2018
Responded Thu 19 July 20181) Please provide the number of children/ young people in care (CLA) at March 31st 2018. 2) Please provide the number of CLA placed in IFA foster care placements at March 31st 2018. 3) Please provide the number of CLA placed out of borough / authority boundary in IFA foster care placements at March 31st 2018. 4) What provision do you have for foster care placements (e.g. in house, frameworks, blocks, spots) and how many placements did these arrangements accommodate for 2017/18. 5) If you have internal provision for children’s foster care, please specify the number of placements you are able to accommodate in this provision (including filled and vacant beds). 6) Please specify the provider name of any block contracts for children’s foster care you have, broken down by the number of beds they are contracted to provide if more than one provider. 7) For block contracts please specify whether these are for specific categories of need i.e. preventing residential, children with disabilities, step down from residential, sibling groups etc. 8) For any block contracts, please specify when these contracts commenced and the duration of these contracts. 9) Please provide details for the actual spend for 2017/18 for IFA foster care placements commissioned from Block Contracts. 10) Please provide the average weekly spend for 2017/18 for IFA placements commissioned from Block Contracts. 11) Please provider details - role, name, job title, email address for staff within your authority involved in the commissioning of provision for CLA.
Information not held
This area is dealt with by East Sussex County Council Children's Services, please visit their website for further information: www.eastsussex.gov.uk
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