FOI request (FOI-80998936)
Annual briefings/performance reports by SeaChange Sussex
Requested Mon 09 July 2018
Responded Thu 19 July 2018Dear Hastings Borough Council,
In March 2016, I made a request (https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/annual_briefingsperformance_repo) for annual briefings and performance documents from SeaChange Sussex to HBC, as specified in this document: https://hastings.moderngov.co.uk/Data/Cabinet/20130402/Agenda/$Overview and Scrutiny Review of Partnership Working Management Response (02 04 13).doc.pdf.
The document says (paras 18 and 19):
- The fifth recommendation to receive an annual briefing from the Chief Executive of SeaChange to be referred to the Members' Training and Development Group and made part of the annual Programme of Member training is supported.
- The sixth recommendation requests that the Council's representative on the SeaChange Board (currently Councillor Chowney) following discussion with the Overview and Scrutiny Chairs on appropriate performance measures request a retrospective annual performance report from SeaChange, and that this be made available to all Members, and potentially considered as part of the annual briefing mentioned in the previous recommendation.
Previously, I was told that the 'annual' briefings specified had not taken place, and that no performance report had been requested from SeaChange. I assume that by now (over two years later) there must have been some kind of briefing or performance report so I would like to request the following:
- Copies of any notes made relating to the annual briefings from the Chief Executive of SeaChange Sussex in 2016, 2017 and (if available yet) 2018, and the actual briefings themselves if available; and
- Copies of the annual performance report by SeaChange Sussex from 2016, 2017, and (if available yet) 2018.
Successive Overview and Scrutiny Committees have not identified the updates and the reports as priorities in their work programme in recent years. Subsequently there are no annual/reports and or minutes/notes from any briefings.
Freedom of Information
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