FOI request (FOI-80404758)
RLA Private Landlord Local Authority Enforcement FOI (Civil Penalties)
Requested Tue 03 July 2018
Responded Thu 12 July 2018The Residential Landlords Association Private Renting Evidence, Analysis and Research Lab (RLA PEARL) is conducting research on Civil Penalties to private landlords in your Local Authority in 2017-2018 financial year. Please note that the survey closes on 25 August 2018 at 17:03 BST.
Can you please provide information for the following in regards to Civil Penalties to private landlords:
Please enter your Local Authority:
For 2017/18, the number of Civil Penalties served to private landlords.
For 2017/18, the average amount (£) levied in Civil Penalties to private landlords.
For 2017/18, the maximum amount (£) levied in Civil Penalties to private landlords.
For 2017/18, the total amount (£) collected through Civil Penalties to private landlords.
Has revenue from Civil Penalties to private landlords been used to recruit environmental health officers?
Does the council have a policy on Civil Penalties against Landlords?
To help us with the research, can you please provide the information using our online form.
Alternatively, you can also fill in the table above and reply via email.
Please note that you can return to the survey before the closing date and finish later if necessary, download a copy of the response and a submission confirmation receipt.
Q1 - Q5 - No
Q6 - Yes, this is available on our website: www.hastings.gov.uk
This information was completed on line as requested on the 6 July 2018.
Freedom of Information
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