FOI request (FOI-80401406)
Requested Tue 03 July 2018
Responded Fri 06 July 2018Under the Freedom of Information act, please provide me with the following details:
- The amount of waste local authorities collected in tonnes, broken down by recycling and non-recycling.
- If the local authority exported waste to China during the years listed, how many tonnes of waste was exported to China and how much of the waste in tonnes was recycling and non-recycling?
- The distance in miles collected waste is transported to recycling centre, landfill, incinerators etc. and what proportion of waste is transported to those different places.
The time range I am interested in is for each of the three years 2015, 2016, 2017.
If my request is denied in whole, or in part, I request that you justify the reasons why, citing specific exemptions of the act. If there is an issue of cost or staff time (unlikely given the narrow scope of the request) then please work back chronologically from today providing yearly information as far as you possibly can.
Q1 - financial years refuse - tonnes
2015 - 20,150 (sent for energy recovery)
2016 - 19,300 (sent for energy recovery)
2017 - 19,350 (sent for energy recovery)
Recycling- tonnes
2015 - 8,500
2016 - 8,400
2017 - 8,200
Q2 - we are unable to specify china as we don't always know the full end destination, but we are able to state, this is the recycling sent to a facility outside the UK and Not within Europe
2015 - 4,200
2016 - 2,000
2017 - 291 tonnes of paper- I can confirm this was China
Q3 - same for all years Waste, recycling and garden to point of transfer- within borough (i.e. no miles)
From point of transfer to:
Newhaven ERF: 28.7 miles (Waste) energy recovery facility
Crayford MRF: 57.6 miles (Recycling) materials recovery facility
Whitesmiths IVC: 20.7 miles (Garden) in vessel composting landfill- two sites in Kent 50.7 or 36.7 miles - non hazardous landfill tonnes- (waste answered above in question 1)
2015 - garden 1890, recycling 6400 , 160 rejected recycling sent for energy recovery, 33 rejected recycling sent to landfill
2016 - garden 1810, recycling 6370, 133 rejected recycling sent for energy recovery, 87 rejected recycling sent to landfill
2017 - garden 1830, recycling 6080, 223 rejected recycling sent for energy recovery, 64 rejected recycling sent to landfill
Freedom of Information
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