FOI request (FOI-79865190)
FOI Statistics for 2017
Requested Wed 27 June 2018
Responded Tue 03 July 2018I would like to make an FOI request about the following statistics in the previous annual period. If figures are recorded in calendar year this would be 2017, if financial year 2017-18. If available in both, I would prefer calendar for comparison to central government FOI statistics.
- What period do you record FOI statistics in? Financial Year/Calendar Year/Other?
- How many FOI requests have you received? (if this figure includes EIR requests, please state) 3. The number of requests where the information was granted?
- The number of requests where the information was entirely withheld (no information provided)?
- The number of requests where the information was partially withheld (some, but not all information requested, provided)?
- How many requests were completed inside the statutory deadline?
- How many requests were appealed to internal review?
- How many decisions were upheld at internal review?
- How many FOI decisions have been appealed to the ICO?
- How many decisions were upheld by the ICO?
- How many vexatious requests were received?
Q1 - Calendar year
Q2 - 843 including EIR
Q3 - 130
Q4 - 113
Q5 - 645
Q6 - 6
Q7 - 1
Q8 - 3
Q9 - 0
Q10 - 0
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