FOI request (FOI-79862818)
Deferred payment agreement schemes
Requested Wed 27 June 2018
Responded Fri 29 June 2018I would like to request information under the Freedom of Information Act regarding deferred payment agreement schemes within your local authority.
Below there are three questions we would be interested in finding out the relevant information for:
- How many deferred payment agreements do you currently (as at 25 June 2018) have in place?
- In 2017, how many people contacted you for information on how to pay for care?
- In 2017, how many peoples long term care did you - as the local council - pay for:
o In full
o Partially
Information not held
This area is dealt with by East Sussex County Council Social Services, please visit their website for further information: www.eastsussex.gov.uk
Freedom of Information
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