FOI request (FOI-79620098)
Beach Huts and Play Space
Requested Mon 25 June 2018
Responded Thu 12 July 2018We are currently conducting some research relating to local Councils across the UK and would very much appreciate some information / guidance from yourselves to support this research.
Please can you assist by answering the following questions:
PART 1 (Beach Huts)
- Does your council's area include coastline?
- (if yes to no.1) Does your council have any Beach Hut provision within your area?
- (if yes to no.1) Does your council manage this provision directly, or through an operational partner?
- (if yes to no.1) Is the Beach Hut provision offered through annual licence, short/medium/long lease, casual hire or other means? (please provide all details and prices)
- (if yes to no.1) What is your projected annual income associated with all beach hut provision for 2018/19?
PART 2 (Play Space)
- Does your council manage public outdoor play spaces?
- (if yes to no.1) How much S106 and CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) funding do you currently hold? (please provide full details of all S106 contributions).
- (if yes to no.1) Does your council currently have a Play Development / Maintenance and Management Strategy?
- (if yes to no.1) Does you council evaluate the 'Play Value' of your outdoor play spaces? (if not, how do you allocate funds for replacement / improvements)
- (if yes to no.1)What is your annual play maintenance budget for 2018/19?
I would like to thank you in advance for your time in responding to our request for information to support our research.
PART 1 (Beach Huts)
Q1 - Yes.
Q2 - Yes.
Q3 - Managed directly by Hastings Borough Council (HBC)
Q4 - The majority of the huts are offered through rolling license with annual fee payable. The fee varies (depending on location) between £375.17 - £1,566.43 per year. Units that are owned and maintained by HBC cost £1,080.56 - £1,566.43 per year. Units that are privately owned and maintained, but located on HBC land cost £375.17 - £560.36 per year.
Q5 - At current occupancy levels the income is projected to be £251,000 for 18/19
Part 2 (Play Spaces)
Q1 - Yes
Q2 - Total Playground Section 106 held £335,000 (no CIL)
Q3 - Yes
Q4 - Yes
Q5 - Health and Safety Inspections are carried out through contractors, Annual play equipment maintenance budget is £40k
Freedom of Information
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