FOI request (FOI-77539574)
Registered voters and council tax arrears
Requested Mon 04 June 2018
Responded Thu 14 June 2018
I am requesting the following information under the Freedom of Information Act. The council may process this as two separate requests if it wishes.
Registered voters
1. The current number of registered voters (for general election purposes) in the local authority area, broken down by parliamentary constituency
2. The number of registered voters (for general election purposes) in the local authority area as of 8th June 2017 (i.e. as at the last general election), broken down by parliamentary constituency.
Please note - where a constituency area cuts across more than one local authority, the council may provide data that just covers voters in the local authority area, or data for the entire constituency even when it overlaps with other local authority areas. However, please state explicitly which approach the council has adopted in responding to the request.
Council tax arrears
3. How many households received working age Council Tax Support during each financial year from 2013/14 to 2017/18?
4. For each year referred to in question 3, how many court summonses for non-payment of council tax were issued?
5. For each year referred to in question 3, how many of those summonses (as per question 4) were issued to households in receipt of Council Tax Support?
6. For each year referred to in question 3, how many of those summonsed who were in receipt of Council Tax Support were charged court costs, and what was the standard rate of costs imposed in each year?
7. For each year referred to in question 3, how many households in receipt of Council Tax Support had a liability order issued against them for non-payment of council tax?
8. With reference to the figures for question 7, how many of those Council Tax Support claimants with a liability order issued against them:
a) Had deduction from benefits requested (2017/18 only)?
b) Had enforcement agents (i.e. bailiffs) engaged to recover the debt (all financial years referred to in question 3, broken down by year)?
If information cannot be provided for any questions for all years within the section 12 cost limit, please restrict the relevant questions to 2016/17 and 2017/18. If information cannot be provided specifically for CTS claimants, please provide information for all council tax payers and state that this is the case.
Please provide the information by email, using the attached spreadsheet for questions 3-8.
Q1 - Current number of registered electors is 62,387. This figures relates to Hastings Borough only; Rother District Council would need to provide electorate figures for their part of the constituency.
Q2 - Number of registered electors for the 8 June parliamentary election was 78,298. This figure reflates to the Hastings and Rye constituency as a whole.
Q3 - Q8 - Please see attached document
Freedom of Information
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