FOI request (FOI-77040247)
Requested Wed 30 May 2018
Responded Fri 15 June 2018Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I would like to make a request for the following information: In each of the individual calendar years: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018.1. As of the 30th May in each calendar year requested. How many Homes of Multiple Occupancy (HMO) licences were active within in your local authority area?2. As of the 30th May in each calendar year requested how many housing units did the total number of active licences issued cover?3. In each of the calendar years (January to December) requested, how many HMO licences were revoked by your local authority?4. In each of the calendar years (January to December) requested, how many Section 139 overcrowding notices did your authority issue in relation to active HMO licences?In relation to all of the questions above I seek information relating the number of active HMO licences as defined by the Housing Act 2004 for both mandatory and discretionary licensing schemes in operation within your local authority area. In relation to question two I seek a number, which may well be an approximation, for the total number of housing units covered by the number of active licence in each year. For example one HMO licence may cover five flats or bid sets. I'd be grateful if you could supply the information I seek by filling in the table below. If this is not feasible I would like to receive the information that I have requested in a Microsoft Excel format.Number of active HMO licences 201320142015201620172018 Number of housing units covered by HMO licence201320142015201620172018 Number of HMO licences revoked 201320142015201620172018 Number of section 139 overcrowding notices issued 201320142015201620172018 If you determine that my request for information may exceed Section 12 of the FOI Act, in terms of requiring the authority to spend more than 18 hours, or costing the authority in excess of £450, to gather the information that I have requested. I would be grateful if you could let me know at the earliest opportunity so I can have the opportunity to rework my request for information.
Q1, 3 and 4 - Please see attached document
Q2 - Information not held
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