FOI request (FOI-75327794)
Database of services
Requested Fri 11 May 2018
Responded Wed 06 June 2018Please could you send me a spreadsheet with all support services commissioned by or connected to your council? e.g. drugs services, mental health, accommodation etc.
The information I need is: Categories (drugs/health); name; brief description; telephone number(s); email address(es); postal address (with post code); opening hours; other criteria (e.g. age groups/ethnicity/gender); and any other information that you hold (e.g. contact person).
I can send you a pen drive or other device if you need it.
I am requesting the same from all other local authorities in England because I am putting together a website with all of this information (free to access to the public - there will not be any charge for the local authority either). I am making this request as an individual, not as a business or organisation.
Hastings Borough Council commission the Hastings Housing and Wellbeing Hub - multi agency service access for rough sleepers and the street community:
Service Navigator (1 FTE)
Housing Options Specialist (1 FTE)
Daily Activities Service N.B. the Hastings Housing and Wellbeing Hub is comprised of additional commissioned elements from the Hastings and Rother CCG and East Sussex County Council.
For further information please contact East Sussex County Council: www.eastsussex.gov.uk
Freedom of Information
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