FOI request (FOI-75095275)
Use of Geodemographic Segmentation Products
Requested Wed 09 May 2018
Responded Thu 21 June 2018Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“FOIA) Request
I write to request information and records under the FOIA, regarding your authority’s use of geodemographic segmentation products and profiling systems.
Specifically, I am asking the following:1. Does your organisation use any commercial geodemographic segmentation data or services such as Experian’s MOSAIC, CACI’s ACORN?
2. If yes, can you please provide details of:
a. The dates that these products were acquired and were in use.
b. The amount of money spent on these products.
c. The purposes for which you use these products.
d. What categories of data do you specifically use from within these products for your work?
e. Any instances where these products were used for predictive modelling.
3. Do you have any partnerships with any other public or commercial bodies for data sharing?
4. Have you developed your own demographic profiling systems?
5. If yes, can you please provide details of:a. What methodology was used in the creation of these profiling systems?
b. The sources of any open, partnership, and/or third party data used in the creation of these profiling systems?
Q1 - Yes. The Culture Team have used an Area Profile Report provided by The Audience Agency. The Area Profile Report provides an overview of the population within a target area you set (our area was Hastings Borough) and compares it to the population of a wider area. It includes The Audience Agency's Audience Spectrum segmentation profile as well as Mosaic profiles, levels of arts attendance and demographic information.
Q2a - We acquired the report in 2014 and used it for a period of 2 years.
Q2b - The report cost £125
Q2c - The report was used in the planning of and fundraising for the ROOT 1066 International Festival in 2016.
Q2d - We specifically used the information about attendance at and participation in arts and cultural activity.
Q2e - No
Q3 - No
Q4 - No
Freedom of Information
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