FOI request (FOI-75093857)
Use of AI & Algorithms by Your Authority
Requested Wed 09 May 2018
Responded Mon 21 May 2018I am writing under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request information about the use of any algorithms or machine-learning systems by your local authority.
Specifically, I am asking the following:
1. Is your organisation using any algorithms and/or artificial intelligence software in the process of delivering public services?
2. If Yes, please provide details:
(i) Of the algorithms or artificial intelligence software you use;
(ii) Of whether you use a commercial product or whether you have developed your own system;
(iii) Of the purpose for which the algorithm and/or artificial intelligence software operates;
(iv) Of the decisions the algorithm and/or artificial intelligence software is asked to make or assist;
(v) Of the type, classification and amount of data that the algorithm and/or artificial intelligence software uses in the decision making process;
(vi) Of the process by which the decision made or assisted by the algorithm is subject to human review;
(vii) Of the process by which you inform an individual that they have been subject to a decision made or aided by an algorithm and/or artificial intelligence software?
(viii) Of the process by which a member of the public can challenge a decision that has been made or aided by an algorithm and/or artificial intelligence software;
Q1 - No, Hastings Borough Council does not use any algorithms and/or artificial intelligence software in the process of delivering public services.
Q2 - N/A
Freedom of Information
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