FOI request (FOI-75068474)
Dangerous Animals Licences for wild boar
Requested Wed 09 May 2018
Responded Mon 21 May 2018I am writing to make an open government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please can you send me: 1) The number of current licences issued by your authority under the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976/2007 for keeping wild boar (Sus scrofa) and/or wild boar hybrids (wild boar x domestic pig crosses), and when these were first issued. 2) Whether these licences are granted to agricultural enterprises, private landowners/estates or zoological organisations/collections. 3) The number of individual wild boar and wild boar x domestic pig crosses that these licenses cover. 4) The number of Dangerous Wild Animal licences issued for wild boar that are now rescinded/defunct, and when these were granted and ended. 5) Whether any escapes of wild boar or wild boar hybrids were reported by these license holders, and the approximate date and number of animals that they were reported escaping.
Q1 - ZeroQ2 - Q5 - N/A
Freedom of Information
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