FOI request (FOI-74485527)
Freedom of Information request for Valuation Office Agency & Unique Property Reference Numbers for commercial properties
Requested Wed 02 May 2018
Responded Mon 21 May 2018I am assisting the Water companies in cleansing commercial property databases throughout the United Kingdom and wish to make a Freedom Of Information Request.
Could you please provide me with a complete and up-to-date list of all commercial (non-residential) properties for your local authority, and including the following fields only:
1. Billing Authority Property Reference Code (linking the property to the VOA database reference)
2. Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN)Please provide all data as machine-readable as either a CSV or Microsoft Excel file, capable of re-use, and under terms of the Open Government Licence (meaning reuse for any and all purposes, including commercial).
Many Thanks for your help and assistance it is much appreciated by ourselves, the Water Industry and customers as it will benefit all involved.
Please see attached full list. Please note that the UPRN/VOA reference is the same reference number.
Freedom of Information
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