FOI request (FOI-74370802)
Sexual misconduct schools
Requested Tue 01 May 2018
Responded Thu 03 May 2018Could you please disclose how many incidents of sexual misconduct whether that be harassment, inappropriate touching, assault, or sharing of explicit images of another pupil, were recorded at schools in your area. Please note, I am only interested in "peer to peer" incidents between students on school premises.
Please disclose the total number of schools the figure applies to
Please break down by type of school, secondary or primary, and the type of incident. Please also disclose the ages of the victims and perpetrators.
Please disclose the form of punishment or disciplinary action taken in each case
Please provide figures for 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, if possible. If that is beyond the scope, please refine the time frame to something more manageable.
Information not heldThis area is dealt with by East Sussex County Council Education, please visit their website for further information: www.eastsussex.gov.uk
Freedom of Information
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