FOI request (FOI-73711067)
Financial Reviews/Recoveries
Requested Tue 24 April 2018
Responded Fri 15 June 2018Finance & HR Key Stakeholders1. Please provide the contact information for the councils Director of Finance:a. Name
b. Email
c. Phone Number
2. Please provide the contact information for the councils HR Director (or equivalent):a. Name
b. Email
c. Phone Number
Accounts Payable1. Has the organisation undergone an audit reviewing accounts payable (AP) to recover monies paid in error in the last five financial years (12/13 – 16/17)? If so, please provide the following information based on the reviewa. Name of third party supplier
b. Duration of the review
c. Total value of duplicated invoices/erroneous payments identified
d. How much did the third party invoice for any review work undertaken?
e. Did the organisation procure these services through a framework? If so, please state which framework
f. Please state the following detail for the stakeholder responsible for signing the accounts payable contract:I. Name
ii. Job title
iii. Email Address
iv. Phone number
National Fraud Initiative (NFI) Review- For each audit completed as part of the National Fraud Initiative (NFI) over the last five years, please provide the following information. Please create a new table for each NFI.
Identified by NFI review (£)
Errors followed-up (£)
Total recovered (£)
Recovered by trust
Recovered by third party
Name of third party used to follow-up and/or recover errors (e.g. Liaison, BDO, RSM)
Name of any data analysis and filtering software packages used (e.g. IDEA, ACL etc.)
2. Please describe the organisation’s process for following up NFI reviews:a. Who is responsible for this at the trust (name & job title)?
b. How many internal FTEs were required to follow-up on the last review?
c. How many days did it take for the trust or any external auditors used to follow-up and recover money identified by the last NFI review?
Financial Recovery Suppliers1. Please list all management consultants used in the last three financial years (14/15 – 16/17) to review / identify / recover savings. Ie. management consultants, recovery experts etc.
Finance & HR Key Stakeholders
Peter Grace - Assistant Director Financial Services & Revenues email pgrace@hastings.gov.uk Tel: 01424 451066
Verna Connolly - Executive Manager of People, Customer and Business Support email: vconnolly@hastings.gov.uk Tel: 01424 451066
Accounts Payable - This has been answered as part of the NFI work below
National Fraud Initiative (NFI) Review
Q1 - 2015/2016
Pensions - this would be checked by East Sussex County Council www.eastsussex.gov.uk
Payroll - we checked 21 matches against an advised 5. No issues found.
Creditors - we checked 62 matches against an advised 42. No issues found.
Identified by NFI review (£) - Information not held - we did not retain records of this.
Errors followed-up (£) - Information not held - we did not retain records of this.
Total recovered (£) Recovered by trust Not Applicable - do not use a trust.
Recovered by third party - Not Applicable
Pensions - this would be checked by East Sussex County Council www.eastsussex.gov.uk
Payroll * Please see note below.
Creditors * please see note below.
* Note: We looked at all 38 recommended exceptions covering creditors, payroll and pensions. It did prompt action but there were no financial amounts to be recovered.
Identified by NFI review (£) - Information not held - we did not retain records of this.
Errors followed-up (£) - Information not held - we did not retain records of this.
Total recovered (£) - Recovered by trust Not applicable - do not use a trust.
Recovered by third party - N/A - do not use a third party.
Name of third party used to follow-up and/or recover errors (e.g. Liaison, BDO, RSM) Answer: N/A
Name of any data analysis and filtering software packages used (e.g. IDEA, ACL etc.) Answer: None used - we tackle the mismatches as recommended by NFI.
Q2 - The council's internal audit department looks at the mismatches for creditors, payroll and insurance as soon as possible after they are released. We generally look at more than just the recommended mismatches.
a - The Chief Auditor is responsible for this at Hastings Borough Council.
b - We spend designate 1 auditor who spends around 15-20 days investigating the recommended matches to completion. Most matches are simple but some can be complex.
c - N/A as is done internally.
Financial Recovery Suppliers - None used
Freedom of Information
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