FOI request (FOI-73210136)
Tobacco investments held by local authority pension fund
Requested Wed 18 April 2018
Responded Wed 02 May 2018I am seeking information about the value of the local authority pension fund’s investment in tobacco shares and bonds, as well as the income from those investments. Please provide whatever answers you can to the following.
- What is the most recent available value of the local authority's pension fund?
- What is the value of the fund’s directly-held investment in shares or bonds of the following companies: British American Tobacco, Imperial Brands, Japan Tobacco International, Altria Group Inc, Philip Morris International, Universal Corp, Alliance One International?
- What is the total combined value of the fund’s directly-held investments in the companies named above?
- What income did the fund receive from these investments in the last 12-month period for which records are available?
- Does the fund have any other investments in tobacco via pooled investments? What is the value of these?
- What is the local authority’s annual spend on smoking-related illness?
- Please supply the number of deaths attributable to smoking in the local authority areas covered by your pension fund. Your Director of Public Health or equivalent should be able to supply this figure.
The information requested would be held by East Sussex County Council who is the pension administrator and not Hastings Borough Council, please visit their website for further information: www.eastsussex.gov.uk
Freedom of Information
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