FOI request (FOI-73035030)
Requested Mon 16 April 2018
Responded Thu 26 April 2018Thank you very much to those councils, and councillors who last year replied to our request for information relating to this scheme. Thanks particularly to those who have not seen our requests as falling under FOI guidelines. The information we have, and continue, to requests is we are sure easily available and is in the public domain.
In December 2017 we estimated the under-spend of all local authorities in England was heading for around £38m, an under-spend of just over 20%, by early March we estimated £24m, about 13.7%. We are now keen to understand, and will happily share our findings you, what the actual figure was.
Now the 2017 / 2018 financial year is over we therefore request your assistance in our research, by simply REPLYING to this e-mail and notifying us what your council's under-spend was (one council predicted they would spend exactly 100% , which is amazing). If you can tell us in real money terms, and % terms that would be very helpful. A link to your final Criteria would also be good; some councils were still passing these through Executive Committee even in the last week of the financial year, so we haven't seen all schemes yet.
A response in the next 14 days would be appreciated as we hope to publish our initial findings on 7th May. We hope to include details relating to your council in our initial report,
Allocation for 2017/18 was £230,000 and Hastings Borough Council spent 100%.
The link to our criteria can be found at https://www.hastings.gov.uk/business_commerce/businessrates/discretionaryscheme/
Freedom of Information
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