FOI request (FOI-72374280)
Section 106
Requested Mon 09 April 2018
Responded Fri 15 June 2018I am writing to make an open government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
I am looking to fully understand the situation with s106 monies raised in your area and would very much appreciate a clear and fully detailed overview from you. Please provide the following details for all payments received under Section 106 planning agreements.
- Details of all outstanding s106 monies held by your authority
- The purpose of the payments made i.e. highway improvements, education, affordable housing etc where the monies remain unspent.
- The amount of the payment which has been allocated to be spent and on what it has been allocated
- Details of the developer who paid the contributions.
- What monies remain unspent
- The time period in which the monies have to be spent
Please provide these details for the period from 1990 to 2013.
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding, we have introduced a new Freedom of Information system and have experienced a few problems.
Q1 - £400,666
Q2 - Play & Open Space Maintenance = £228,978; Nature Reserve = £56,110; Woodland = £6,960; Maintenance of protected area = £23,289; Woodland/open space/play = £84,429; Admin = £900
Q3 - £335,363: Play & Open Space Maintenance = £164,575; Woodland/Open Space/play = £84,429; Nature Reserve = £56,110; Woodland = £6,960; Maintenance of Protected Area = £23,289.
Q4 - Applications where a S106 agreement has been engrossed are available to view on the public access system where searches can be made on a case by case basis: http://publicaccess.hastings.gov.uk/online-applications/
Q5 - £400,666 (as point 1)
Q6 - N/A for funds outlined above
Freedom of Information
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