FOI request (FOI-71355724)
Priority need for accommodation
Requested Tue 27 March 2018
Responded Mon 21 May 2018Please can you provide me with information on the below. I am requesting this information under Freedom of Information Act.
- How many homeless applications have you received which have been determined as being in priority need over the last five years from January 2013?
- Over the last five years from January 2013, how many "priority need" homeless applications stated that the reason for homelessness was due to the applicant being released from prison and having nowhere to go?
- Over the last five years from January 2013, how many "priority need" homeless applications did you accept from applicants who were homeless due to leaving prison and having nowhere to go?
- Over the last five years from January 2013, how many "priority need" homeless applications did you reject from applicants who were homeless due to leaving prison and having nowhere to go?
- Over the last five years from January 2013, how many of the rejected "priority need" homeless applications from applicants who were homeless due to leaving prison and having nowhere to go, were rejected on the basis of:
- Becoming homeless intentionally
- Being guilty of unacceptable behaviour due to past offending behaviour which makes them unsuitable to be a tenant
Please could you set out the responses to these questions in the format below?
Q1 - These are available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/homelessness-statistics
Q2 - 6 Homeless applications decisions Left an institution or LA care: Left prison/on remand: Eligible, unintentionally homeless and in priority need:
2013 = 2
2014 = 1
2015 = 1
2016 = 2
2017 = 3
Eligible, homeless and in priority need, but intentionally so:
2013 = 4
2014 = 0
2015 = 6
2016 = 2
2017 = 4
Eligible, homeless but not in priority need:
2013 = 5
2014 = 3
2015 = 13
2016 = 12
2017 = 3
Eligible, but not homeless:
2013 = 2
2014 = 3
2015 = 3
2016 = 1
2017 = 1
2013 = 0
2014 = 0
2015 = 0
2016 = 0
2017 = 0
Q7 - 2013 to 2017 = 0 -
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