FOI request (FOI-70821688)
Documents related to Visitor Centre applications - follow up query to FOI-68659066
Requested Tue 20 March 2018
Responded Fri 25 May 2018Following my request reference FOI-68659066 (attached ) it was claimed that all relevant correspondence and documents had been posted on the planning web site for the following planning applications:
- HS/FA/17/01018 | Variation of condition 13 (approved drawings) of planning permission HS/FA/14/01033
- HS/CD/17/01101 | Discharge of conditions
- HS/NM/18/00059 | Non material Amendment application to vary the wording of condition 4 of planning permission HS/FA/14/01033
I have now reviewed and found that only one additional document has been posted. This document is for HS/CD/17/01101 | Discharge of conditions application and is titled "ESCC ARCHAEOLOGY". I attach a copy of this document.
This document is the email correspondence between HBC and ESCC Archaeology. The correspondence includes references to a number of documents none of which have been posted on the planning web site.
I request copies of the following documents referred to in this correspondence under information regulations.
- HAARG interim/summary report
This is referred to in an email dated 02/02/2018 from Mr Greg Chuter to Kevin at HAARG
Thank you for the interim report. It doesn't appear you trenched the area of the proposed septic tank, so taking a look at that area as soon as possible would be good. I am happy this can be covered by the existing WSI, rather than drawing up a new one. Murray hope this is a way forward and I can meet you at 2pm next Thursday to talk about the next phase of work. Kind regards
It is also referred to in an email dated 01/02/2018 from Murray Davidson to Greg Chuter
We have amended the planning permission to include a septic tank subsequent to the submission of the HAARG report. Our planning officer simply requires the approved submitted report to have a single minor amendment on the back page to include a line indicating a trench where the tank will go. Once we have this the condition can be discharged. We are running out of time to keep the permission live so would really appreciate your help in getting this very minor amendment to the HAARG last page.
- HAARG final summary report
This is referred to in an email from HAARG to Murray Davidson/Greg Chuter dated the 02/02/2018
Attached is the summary report approved by Casper at the time and we plan to submit a final version once the project is concluded.
- WSI outlining this second phase of required archaeological work.
This is referred to in an email from Greg Chuter to Murray Davidson dated the 01/02/2018
In regard to the condition, I will need to check the exact wording, but if it is a single standard condition we could only partially discharge the condition to allow both archaeological work and construction work to commence, subject to agreement and a WSI outlining this second phase of required archaeological work.
- A planners email showing line of the prospective trench line
This is referred to in an email from Murray Davidson to Greg Chuter dated the 01/02/2018:
I attach the planners email which indicates the location he wants the prospective trench line and the fact he only wants that amended page submitted as the rest of the report is sufficient to discharge the condition.
- Details of second phase of works and the amended back page
This is referred to in an email from Murray Davidson to Greg Chuter dated the 01/02/2018:
I am happy for there to be a second phase of works and we can try and plan that so that it can take place prior to any construction works. I can meet next Thursday afternoon, please let me know a time, but please ask Kevin to submit his amended back page before then.
It is disappointing that you did not provide copies of all relevant documents as requested by my previous request FOI-68659066 and that it was incorrectly claimed that all relevant documentation was now available on line.
With this in mind I also request that you review the 3 applications below again to ensure that all correspondence and documents have been posted online as you claim:
- HS/FA/17/01018 | Variation of condition 13 (approved drawings) of planning permission HS/FA/14/01033
- HS/CD/17/01101 | Discharge of conditions
- HS/NM/18/00059 | Non material Amendment application to vary the wording of condition 4 of planning permission HS/FA/14/01033
1. See attached summary report from HAARG which is inclusive of the Written Scheme for Investigation, WSI
2. Final report will be submitted following completion of the Visitor Centre project as clearly indicated in the email.
3. See answer to 1
4. Please see attached
5. Please see attached amended back page
For your information the Summary report phase 1 has now been added on our website
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