FOI request (FOI-70689444)
Care Leavers FOI
Requested Mon 19 March 2018
Responded Wed 21 March 2018I would like to ask the following questions under the FOI act. I would be very grateful if you could send information back electronically in a readable format (i.e. not PDF):
- How many care leavers did the council support in each year since 2009-10?
- What was funding for support to care leavers in each year since 2009-10?
- What was funding per person for support to care leavers in each year since 2009-10?
- How much did the authority pay out in total in setting up home grants (care leaver grants) in each year since 2009-10? What is the average per person grant provided in each of those years?
- How many young people's advisers (or similar advisers to help provide support to care leavers), has the council employed in each year since 2009-10?
- How many people have worked in the Care Leaver's Team (or similar team responsible for care leavers transitions), in each year since 2009-10?
This area is dealt with by East Sussex County Council, please visit their website for further information: www.eastsussex.gov.uk
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