FOI request (FOI-70322923)
Public health funerals
Requested Wed 14 March 2018
Responded Wed 06 June 2018I would like to request the following information for public health funerals (for 1 March 2017 to the present)
1) Name and contact details of the departments/council officers who are notified of public health funerals.
2) Name of the deceased
3) Date of birth
4) Date of death
5) Last residential address
6) Have the next of kin/ family members been traced?
7) What date has the details been transferred to the QLTR, Bona Vacantia, Treasury Solicitor, Government Legal Department, National Ultimus Haeres or Duchy?
8) Name and contact details of the department/council officer who refers such cases to the QLTR, Bona Vacantia, Treasury Solicitor, Government Legal Department, National Ultimus Haeres or Duchy.
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding, we have introduced a new Freedom of Information programme and have experienced a few problems.
The information requested is available on our website using the following link: https://www.hastings.gov.uk/my_council/transparency/budgets/#funerals
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