FOI request (FOI-70070111)
Section 21 evictions
Requested Mon 12 March 2018
Responded Fri 23 March 2018I am sending this request under the Freedom of Information Act to ask for the following information:
1. Would you consider a tenant who applies to the council for homelessness assistance following receipt of a valid section 21 notice to be intentionally homeless in any of the following circumstances:
a. If they leave before the date on the section 21 notice but have no permanent residence to go to?
b. If they leave on expiry of the section 21 notice, but have no permanent residence to go to?
c. If they leave after a possession order is issued by a court but have no permanent residence to go to?
d. If they leave after a warrant of possession is issued by a court but have no permanent residence to go to?
e. Or in any other circumstances?
2. How many (a) households; (b) individuals; and (c) children under 18 applied to the council for homelessness assistance following the receipt of a valid section 21 order from their landlord in the financial years:
- 2014-15
- 2015-16
- 2016-17
- 2017-18 to date
3. Of the answers to Q2i-iii (years 2014-17), please can you indicate how many (a) households; (b) individuals; and (c) children under 18 were classed by the council as:
- Intentionally homeless
- Unintentionally homeless
4. How many (a) households; (b) individuals; and (c) children under 18 who were evicted from their home after receiving a valid section 21 notice were housed by the council in the financial years:
- 2014-15
- 2015-16
- 2016-17
- 2017-18 to date
5. Can you please break down the figures in Q4 by the type of accommodation in which the people were housed by the council eg. Private rented accommodation, bed and breakfast, hostel etc
Hastings Borough Council would first need to investigate the circumstances as to why a section 21 notice was issued before we could establish whether or not the customer is intentionally homeless.
The information you have requested would require us to manually check approx. 2000 cases to establish whether or not a Section 21 was issued and to provide the relevant information requested.
This would exceed the time limit set out by the Information Commissioner therefore under S12 of the Freedom of information Act 2000 provides an exemption from the obligation to comply with a request for information if the estimated costs of complying with that request would exceed the prescribed appropriate limit.
We estimate that the costs of complying with your request would exceed the appropriate limit by a significant amount.
For this reason we feel unable to comply with this question.
Freedom of Information
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