FOI request (FOI-69890624)
Outsourcing contracts
Requested Fri 09 March 2018
Responded Tue 17 July 2018I am writing to make an open government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Please send me:
- How many outsourcing contracts have you outsourced in the last five financial years, and the details/ the nature of these contracts?
- Who are the companies you have outsourced to, with regards to the above?
- What has your total spend been on outsourcing contracts in each of the last five financial years?
- Who many, and which services, have you brought in house over the past five financial years? And what were the nature/ type of those services? Please give any details you can.
- Could you say how much you think bringing in house any contracts has saved – or increased costs.
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding, we have installed a new Freedom of Information system and have experienced a few problems.For clarification, our answer is based on the following definition of outsourcing: "In business, outsourcing is an agreement in which one company contracts its own internal activity to different company".Q1 - We haven't newly outsourced any council activity in the last five financial years.Q2 - There have been no new outsourced activities in the last 5 years but our services which have been outsourced since many years before are:Waste and Recycling c.£2.5million per annumGrounds Maintenance c.£900,00 per annumTheatre Management c.£500,000 per annumPublic Convenience and Office Cleaning c.£200,000 per annumLeisure Management Concession agreementBuilding Control now managed on our behalf by Wealden District Council for a feeQ3 - Please see above for an estimation.Q4 - We have not brought back in-house any outsourced services over the past five financial years.Q5 - Answer: Not applicable
Freedom of Information
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