FOI request (FOI-69444258)
Rough sleeper deaths
Requested Mon 05 March 2018
Responded Mon 16 April 20181. Please detail how many verified rough sleepers have died in thecouncil's territory in the last 5 calendar years (2013, 2014, 2015,
2016, 2017). Provide a figure for each calendar year, and break down
each instance by age, date, gender, geographical location and "No
Recourse to Public Funds" status (yes/no).
[exclude the following part if it exceeds FOI limitations]
For each incident, please detail whether the person had an open
homelessness application, accessed homeless services or was known to
be a rough sleeper by your local authority.
Note: Verified rough sleepers should include all those in temporary accommodation including hostels, B&Bs - local authority run and commissioned. Those in supported housing - local authority run and commissioned.
Please provide a response in an Excel/CSV format.
Hastings Borough Council holds no information in respect of this request.
Note - all those with an open homeless application are provided with interim accommodation under s.188 of the Housing Act 1996 (as amended).
The Coroner and or Sussex Police may hold this information.
Freedom of Information
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