FOI request (FOI-69443286)
Filthy or Verminous Housing Questionnaire (Environmental Health)
Requested Mon 05 March 2018
Responded Wed 21 March 2018I am undertaking research to understand whether or not Local Authority intervention has an impact on the recurrence of housing conditions becoming Filthy or Verminous. I am writing to you as your Local Authority falls within the 70 most deprived Local Authorities in England (based on the average score data from The English Indices of Deprivation 2015).
The full details of the purpose of this research are included in the attached questionnaire (in Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet format). I would be grateful if you could please:
- Read the Participant Brief on the "Cover Sheet & Consent" tab of the attached questionnaire in full
- Read the Statement of Consent on the "Cover Sheet & Consent" tab of the attached questionnaire in full
- Complete "Section 1: The Local Authority, its Methods and Partners", on the "1. LA Questions" tab of the attached questionnaire in full
- Complete " Section 2: Property Intervention Questionnaire", on the "2. Intervention Questions" tab of the attached questionnaire in full
Please see attached completed document as requested.
Freedom of Information
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