FOI request (FOI-68899205)
Flexible Homelessness Support Grant
Requested Mon 26 February 2018
Responded Fri 11 May 20181. Please provide a breakdown of how the council has spent itsFlexible Homelessness Support Grant to date, as provided by the
Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government from 1 April 2017.
2. Has the council given any of this grant to a property company
owned/run by the council? If yes, how much money has been given, and
please detail how will the money be spent, and on what kind of accommodation*?
* "Kind of accommodation" refers to whether a project/planned project consists of affordable housing, market rate, or mixed.
Please provide a response in an Excel/CSV format.
Q1 & Q2
This information is publically available https://hastings.moderngov.co.uk/documents/s20647/Flexible%20Homelessness%20Support%20Grant%20Expenditure.pdf
Freedom of Information
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