FOI request (FOI-68028030)
Planning Improvement Implementation Plan
Requested Wed 14 February 2018
Responded Thu 29 March 2018In December 2014 the HBC Cabinet approved the Planning Improvement Implementation Plan (PIIP). This was then approved by full council in early 2015.
The PIIP was written in response to the recommendations of the Bahcheli report following the planning debacle at Rocklands caravan park.
The PIIP sought to address and improve various issues exposed by the Rocklands affair including the misuse of minor amendments and licensing issues.
The PIIP was endorsed by the Planning Advisory Service in 2016.
HBC recognised that misuse of minor amendments had taken place over the years and the PIIP was intended to resolve these issues.
In Recent queries to the Planning Department it is claimed that the PIIP has not been formally adopted. However the PIIP is referred to in planning decision documents which suggests that the PIIP is in use.
Could you please let me know:
- Whether the PIIP has been formally adopted?
- The status of the PIIP. Is it a policy that is taken into account by officers when considering planning applications?
- If the PIIP has not been adopted then provide the reasons for non adoption.
- If the PIIP has not been adopted the date of the Cabinet meeting which reversed the decision to implement the PIIP.
- The formal procedure required for adopting such plans.
Could you please provide me with :
1. A copy of the latest version of the PIIP.
2. Copies of policies or other guidance notes where the PIIP is referred to.
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding.
Questions 1-5 are not requests for recorded information however to be helpful I can advise as follows:
The Planning Improvement Implementation Plan (PIIP) was considered by Cabinet on 1st December 2014. The details of what was considered at that meeting did not include details of how minor material and non material amendments should be treated. This was put in later and not considered by committee/cabinet again.
The PIIP has not formally been adopted therefore has no formal status.
We are not aware of any council policies or guidance notes that refer to the PIIP.
Please find attached our only version of the PIIP.
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