FOI request (FOI-67419012)
Income Management and Cash Receipting
Requested Tue 06 February 2018
Responded Wed 04 April 2018I wish to make a Freedom of Information Request about your Payment Solutions (Income Management and Cash Receipting):
1) What Income Management solution do you use?
- i) Is the solution hosted off site?
2) What Card Payment solution do you use for:
- i) Internet Payments?
- ii) Mediated payments over the phone?
iii) Automated telephone payments?
- iv) Card Present payments (Chip & Pin)
3) Who supplies the solutions in question 2 above?
4) Are these solutions hosted off site?
5) Are there more than one payment solutions in use in your Authority?
- i) If so, how many and who are the supplier(s)
6) Approximately how many credit and debit card transactions do you take annually?
7) Who provides your Merchant Services?
8) Is this provided as part of your Banking contract or by the Card Payment Solution provider?
9) Is the Authority PCI-DSS compliant?
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding.
Q1 - Paye.net Capita
i) - Yes.
Q2 -
i) Paye.net Capita
ii) Paye.net Capita
iii) Paye.net Capita
iv) Barclays, Lloyds, Worldpay and Paye.net Capita
Q3 - Barclays, Lloyds, Worldpay and Paye.net Capita
Q4 - Yes
Q5 - No, The payment solution is Paye.net Capita
i) N/A
Q6 - Approximately, just under 20,000 card transactions annually
Q7 - Barclays, Lloyds, Worldpay and Capita
Q8 - Yes - this is provided as part of the banking contract and also through Capita
Q9 - We use SecurityMetrics to assist us attain PCI-DSS compliance
Freedom of Information
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