FOI request (FOI-66976602)
Community Asset Transfer (CAT).
Requested Wed 31 January 2018
Responded Mon 05 March 20181. Does the authority have a published Community Asset Transfer* policy? *Community Asset Transfer enables local authorities to transfer the ownership/management of their assets to community organisations at less than full market value – in order to achieve a defined public benefit.2. If Yes, please provide a web link to the policy. 3. If No, is Community Asset Transfer (CAT) integrated into another policy within your local authority – such as wider asset management strategies or VCSE policies?
4. If Yes, Please provide a web link to this policy, if published. 5. How many of the authority’s land and property assets have been disposed of in the following periods: 2012/13, 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16, 2016/17 and 2017/18 (to date)? For the purposes of this FOI “disposal” means a sale on the open market for monetary consideration or the letting of any council land or building, or part of a building, regardless of the length of term of the letting. Please note we are not concerned with any land or property transfers to other departments or changing the use of the land from one statutory purpose to another, so please exclude these figures from your return.6. In relation to the number of disposals in Q5, how many were made to ‘for-profit’* organisations in the same time periods? *For- profit organisations make private profit for their directors, members or shareholders. Different types of organisation can be ‘for-profit’. It is not a legal structure in and of itself.7. Typically, authorities operate a 5 year programme for the disposal of their surplus assets. Looking ahead over this period, how many of the authority’s current land and property assets are being considered for declaring as surplus to requirements? *We define surplus to requirements as 'not required for operational purposes any more and as a result identified for disposal’
Q1 - No
Q2 - N/A
Q3 - Community Asset Transfer (CAT) was included in our previous Asset Management Plan and will be included in a new Plan when it is drafted
Q4 - N/A
Q5 - Freehold Disposals: 2012/13 = 18 2013/14 = 8 2014/15 = 7 2015/16 = 7 2016/17 = 6 2017/18 (to date) = 8 Lettings: We have in excess of 300 assets that are let out and do not hold information on how many lettings there have been in each period.
Q6 - Information not held
Q7 - We don't hold information on assets that are being considered for declaring surplus but our Land and Property Disposal Programme is published on our website https://www.hastings.gov.uk/estates/propertiesforsale/
Q8 - N/A
Freedom of Information
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