FOI request (FOI-66689604)
Planning applications/affordable housing
Requested Fri 26 January 2018
Responded Wed 21 March 2018I would like to request the following information in connection with planning applications seeking to scrap affordable housing obligations undertaken as part of approved planning permissions from 2012 to the present:
- Application reference
- Total number of homes approved in the planning permission
- Number of affordable homes approved in the planning permission
- Brownfield or greenfield site
- Whether the application involved a viability assessment
- The decision by the planning committee
Please find attached an spread sheet showing all planning applications received between 2012 and 2017 where there has been an agreement under S106 (including Unilateral Undertakings).
Guidance on these agreements can be found on the following web site : https://www.gov.uk/guidance/planning-obligations
Where development has not taken place or a new planning permission has been granted without the need for a unilateral undertaking, those are marked in red on the spread sheet.
Freedom of Information
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