FOI request (FOI-66344665)
Permitted Development Rights - Office to Residential Use 2013
Requested Mon 22 January 2018
Responded Mon 05 March 2018In 2013 planning legislation was changed to allow conversion of office premises to residential use under permitted development rights without seeking planning permission.
The legislation allowed local planning authorities to opt out of granting such permitted development rights. Some local authorities opted out and in those areas conversion from office use to residential cannot be done under permitted development rights.
Hastings has not opted out.
Can you please let me know whether
- Hastings applied for opt out and was refused. Please provide reasons for the refusal 2. Hastings decided to adopt permitted development rights in 2013.
Please provide any supporting documents such as Cabinet minutes that are relevant to the adoption of permitted development rights.
As far as we are aware Hastings Borough Council did not apply to opt out. Unfortunately we are unable to confirm this as it was several years ago and the Planning Manager in post at that time has left the authority.
A search has been carried out back through all the minutes of Cabinet and Full Council in 2013 and we can find no references to changes to permitted development rights.
Freedom of Information
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