FOI request (FOI-65455279)
Homelessness 18-21 year olds
Requested Wed 10 January 2018
Responded Mon 05 March 2018I write to request the following information from your local authority in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, in relation to homelessness amongst 18-21 year olds. If possible, please could you provide information using the template spreadsheet attached.
I would like to request the information in questions 1-4 for the two years up to 30 September 2017, broken down into quarters as follows:
- 1st October - 31st December 2015
- 1st January - 31st March 2016
- 1st April - 30th June 2016
- 1st July - 30th September 2016
- 1st October - 31st December 2016
- 1st January - 31st March 2017
- 1st April - 30th June 2017
- 1st July - 30th September 2017
Within your local authority, how many 18-21 year olds:
- Presented themselves as homeless, or at risk of homelessness?
- Were subsequently assessed under the Housing Act 1996?
- Were subsequently accepted as homeless?
- Were owed a full duty under the Housing Act 1996?
Please also confirm:
5. How many 18-21 year olds have you or your partner agencies facilitated exemption for under the Universal Credit (Housing Costs Element for claimants aged 18 to 21) (Amendment) Regulations 2017, since these Regulations came into force on 1 April 2017?
(1) & (2)
•1st October - 31st December 2015 = 55
•1st January - 31st March 2016 = 57
•1st April - 30th June 2016 = 54
•1st July - 30th September 2016 = 21
•1st October - 31st December 2016 = 45
•1st January - 31st March 2017 = 23
•1st April - 30th June 2017 = 24
•1st July - 30th September 2017 = 35
(3) and (4) are the same question, (3) 'accepted' as homeless, is the same as (4) 'owed a full duty'. These are the cases where the homeless decision was made as 'Eligible, unintentionally homeless and in priority need'. 18-21 year olds - 'Eligible, unintentionally homeless and in priority need' decisions made during the following quarters:
•1st October - 31st December 2015 = 4
•1st January - 31st March 2016 = 14
•1st April - 30th June 2016 = 8
•1st July - 30th September 2016 = 33
•1st October - 31st December 2016 = 8
•1st January - 31st March 2017 = 5
•1st April - 30th June 2017 = 3
•1st July - 30th September 2017 = 12
(5) None - Hastings Borough Council only facilitate the beginning part of the Universal Credit application where we help our customers to register and to set up their claim but only up to the point where the customer has their appointment with DWP. We only help those customers that we have placed in temporary accommodation/emergency accommodation. We do not know how many of these claims become 'exemptions'.
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