FOI request (FOI-65089139)
Fixing our broken housing market
Requested Fri 05 January 2018
Responded Mon 05 March 2018In the government's white paper 'Fixing our broken housing market', published on 7 February 2016, the government said "we are going to consult on a new standard methodology for calculating 'objectively assessed need' [as relates to housing], and encourage councils to plan on this basis. We will insist that every area has an up-to-date plan."
Government also said they would be "Holding local authorities to account through a new housing delivery test."
Please may I request the following information under the FOI act:
1) What information, documentation or consultation, if any, your council has received on a "new standard methodology for calculating 'objectively assessed need'"; and
2) When your housing plan was last updated, including a copy of the housing plan in question; and
3) What information, documentation or consultation, if any, your council has received on a "new housing delivery test".
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding.
Q1 - No information has been received on a new standard methodology for calculating 'objectively assessed need'.
Q2 - The last plan was updated in 2014.
Q3 - No information has been received on a "new housing delivery test".
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