FOI request (FOI-64946981)
Affordable Housing
Requested Wed 03 January 2018
Responded Wed 21 March 2018This is a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act. Could you please provide me with information relating to:
a) The amount of money that the council has received as payments in lieu of affordable housing (or so-called 'commuted sums') as part of fulfilling a Section 106 agreement in each of the last five financial years (2012/13, 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17)
b) The total amount of receipts from payments in lieu of affordable housing that the council has spent in each of the last five financial years
c) A summary of the total number of affordable homes built, acquired or brought back into use through spending the receipts from payments in lieu of affordable housing in within the local authority in each of the last five financial years
d) The total amount of unspent payments in lieu of affordable housing that the council currently has
e) The total amount unspent, but allocated payments in lieu of affordable housing that the council has, with a summary of the schemes that they have been allocated to
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding.
a) - Please see attached document
b) - Zero
c) - Zero
d) - as per (a)
e) - There is no planned revenue spend, only planned spend is the £100k Capital in 2018-19
Freedom of Information
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