FOI request (FOI-64920972)
Domestic violence refuges
Requested Wed 03 January 2018
Responded Mon 05 March 2018I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the Act).
Please can you provide me with details of:
- the amount of money the local authority gave to domestic violence refuges in each financial year since 2010/11;
- the total number of domestic violence refuges or any other form of accommodation-based support located within the local authority, as at the end of each financial year since 2010/11;
- the total number of domestic violence refuges located within the local authority that have been closed since 2010/11; and
- whether the local authority bid for funding from the VAWG Service Transformation Fund and, if it did, when the bid was successful and confirmation of whether the Government released the funds yet.
In relation to the requests above, domestic violence refuges includes any other accommodation-based support for victims of domestic violence. The total amount of money should include any funding provided by the local authority to domestic violence refuges, where such places are commissioned through multi-agency working.
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding.
This area is dealt with by East Sussex County Council, please visit their website for further information: www.eastsussex.gov.uk
Freedom of Information
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