FOI request (FOI-64920193)
Public Space Protection Orders - enforcement notices and actions taken
Requested Wed 03 January 2018
Responded Mon 05 March 2018Please supply the following information on PSPO enforcement actions:
1.The number of community protection warnings issued 2. The number of community protection notices issued 3. The number of fixed penalty notices issued 4. The number of prosecutions carried out 5. The number of civil injunctions issued 6. Confiscation of property
Please supply this information for 2105,206 and 2017.
Can you please also provide a separate breakdown of the above categories for the number of enforcement actions taken against people who are in breach of the regulations governing camping on the beach/promenade and rough sleeping.
The sea front has recently has a number of posters posted threatening people with fines of up to 500 pounds fro camping on the beach/promenade and rough sleeping. Can you please supply the costs of installing these notices.
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding.
The PSPOs began on Monday 12 June 2017 https://www.hastings.gov.uk/my_community/community_safety/pspo For 2017:
1. The number of CPNWs issued: 0
2. The number of CPNs issued : 0
3. The number of FPNs issued : 9
4. Prosecutions.0
5. Civil injunctions 0
6. Confiscation of property 0. There are no byelaws regarding specifically rough sleeping on the beach. There is a byelaw about the unauthorised erection of structures on the seashore areas which includes tents. We do not hold data for every encounter the Wardens may have with a person in a tent on the beach but we can say that in 2015 no enforcement actions were issued. In 2016 enforcement papers were served on 5 different tents and in 2017 enforcement papers were served on another 5 different tents.
The cost of installing 40x signs relating to the byelaws was £800
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