FOI request (FOI-64916162)
Response time for FOI/EIR requests
Requested Wed 03 January 2018
Responded Mon 05 March 2018I request under the Freedom of Information Act the following information concerning information requests (FOI and EIR) submitted to HBC during the last five years(2017,2016,2015,2014,2013) :
Please provide by year:
- The number of requests treated under FOI
- The number of requests treated under EIR
- The number of requests responded to within the statutory 20 days I would also like to know about the range of different response times under 20 working days, as the law requires responses to be prompt, within the 20 working day limit.
- The number of requests responded to within 21 to 30 days
- The number of requests responded to within 31 to 40 days
- The number of requests responded to over 40 days
Within the above categories, I would also like to know the number refused, partially accepted, or wholly accepted.
- The average response time for requests 8. The median response time for requests
Q1 -
2013 FOI - 606
2014 FOI - 813
2015 FOI - 695
2016 FOI - 796
2017 FOI - 825
Q2 -
2013 EIR - 0
2014 EIR - 3
2015 EIR - 0
2016 EIR - 17
2017 EIR - 18
Q3 - 20 days and under
1-10 days
2013 - 329
2014 - 499
2015 - 435
2016 - 449
2017 - 458
11 - 20 days
2013 - 212
2014 - 252
2015 - 184
2016 - 234
2017 - 187
Q4 - 21-30 days
2013 - 42
2014 - 26
2015 - 27
2016 - 44
2017 - 39
Q5 - 31-40 days
2013 - 8
2014 - 17
2015 - 34
2016 - 42
2017 - 61
Q6 - Over 40 days
2013 - 5
2014 - 9
2015 - 7
2016 - 25
2017 - 45
Within the above categories, I would also like to know the number refused, partially accepted, or wholly accepted.
Information provided - 481
Refused part - 37
Refused - 78
Awaiting clarification - 5
Withdrawn - 5
Information provided - 577
Refused part - 84
Refused - 142
Awaiting clarification - 8
Withdrawn - 5
Information provided - 510
Refused part - 86
Refused - 91
Awaiting clarification - 5
Withdrawn - 3
Information provided - 528
Refused part - 114
Refused - 152
On hold - 3
Awaiting clarification - 7
Withdrawn - 9
Information provided - 547
Refused part - 113
Refused - 130
On hold - 18
Outstanding - 24
Awaiting clarification -6
Withdrawn - 5
Q7 & 8 - Information not held
Freedom of Information
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