FOI request (FOI-104602526)
Old Bathing Pool: Site Designation
Requested Mon 04 February 2019
Responded Fri 01 March 2019I desire to know further details on how Hastings Borough Council regards the green space at Seaside Road, St Leonards-on-Sea called the Old Bathing Pool site.
Under the legislation the Freedom of Information Act please provide HBC's designation of the Old Bathing Pool site (as in whether it is designated 'Brownfield' or 'Greenfield' or 'Open Space'). In your response please provide detail as to how HBC reached such a designation and the date this designation was made.
I am happy for your reply to be in the form of an electronic response.
The former bathing pool was demolished in 1998. Since that time it has been long term objective of the Council to redevelop the site as part of the wider ambitions for the West Marina area. Redevelopment ambitions for West Marina, including this site were set out in the 2004 Local Plan.
The local plan process included extensive public consultation. This Plan has since been superseded by the current Local Plan (2015), but the ambitions and identification of the site for development purposes remain the same.
As a previously developed site, the site has always been managed as a future development site. This includes the back-filling and grassing over of the former swimming pool area as a temporary measure to prevent this area of the seafront becoming visually blighted. Given the history of the site, that is, it is previously developed land and the current management regime for the site; it is appropriately classified as a brownfield site.
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