FOI request (FOI-101230775)
RLA Extension of Mandatory HMO Licensing
Requested Thu 03 January 2019
Responded Fri 25 January 2019The Residential Landlords Association Private Renting Evidence, Analysis and Research Lab (RLA PEARL) is conducting research on the Extension of Mandatory HMO Licensing in your Local Authority.
Please note that the survey closes on 31 January 2019 at 17:00 BST.
To help us with this research, could you please reply using our online form.
Alternatively, you can also fill in the tables and reply via email if necessary.
Please note that you can return to the survey before the closing date and finish later if necessary, download a copy of the response and a submission confirmation receipt. Please also note that the RLA may have other FOI requests currently in process with your Local Authority.
Please can you provide information on the Extension of Mandatory HMO Licensing in your Local Authority.
Please enter your Local Authority:
Has your Local Authority publicised the new HMO changes on its website?
Does your Local Authority have a set timescale for processing HMO applications?
Does tacit consent apply to your HMO licences if handling of the application goes beyond the application processing date?
Has your Local Authority reviewed its fee structure taking into consideration Gaskin v Richmond?
Is there a readily available fee structure for landlords to view on your Local Authority website?
As requested this survey was completed via Survey Monkey on the 3 January 2019.
Freedom of Information
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