FOI request (FOIR-649779946)
External consultants and training firms
Requested Wed 25 September 2024
Responded Mon 14 October 2024Please can you provide me with the spend by your organisation on external consultants and training firms in the previous 12 months or the most recent 12-month period for which the data is available.
Please break down the spend by type of consultancy service or training service provided.
External Training - including subscriptions for eLearning and webinar subscription:
eLearning package/subscription - £8,400
Shape Course Content Creator - £8,000
Webinar Training annual subscription - £5,300
External Training for individual members of staff - £2,200
Sussex Training Consortium Subscription - £1,600
Consultancy Spend - October 2023 to September 2024 - broken down by areas (cost centres):
Dangerous Structures - £5,510
Development Management - £4,200
Revenues Division - £2,258.75
Senior Leadership Team - £25,987.75
Social Lettings - £300
Towns Fund - £19,953.66
Freedom of Information
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