FOI request (FOIR-599265409)
Revised Officers' Code of Conduct - Staff Interests
Requested Mon 25 March 2024
Responded Mon 15 April 2024The officers' code of conduct on recording HBC officers' interests had been allowed to lapse and unused for many years.
An FOI was submitted in May 2023 about HBC's non-compliance with the HBC constitution concerning declaration of officers interest. The response to the FOI from HBC stated that:
"A new audit of staff interests is underway - this project requires all staff to submit a return detailing any interests by 1st September 2023. A nil return is required. All responses will be held on a new electronic Smartsheet accessible by HR, Legal, Procurement, and the Senior Leadership Team only.
A Governance Review is also underway and part of this programme of work is to complete the review of the Officer Code of Conduct and publish the revised version in the Constitution. The Council will be asked to agree the revised Code of Conduct and the new process for auditing and maintaining officers' interests once complete."
Please provide details of
1. The date that the audit of staff interests was completed.
2. The number of returns on the audit of staff interests.
3. The date that the governance review completed.
4. A copy of the revised version of the Officer Code of Conduct, the new process for auditing and maintaining officer's interest, and the constitution.
5. Minutes of the council meeting that approved the revised Code of Conduct, the new process for auditing and maintaining officer's interest, and the constitution.
Information not held.
Unfortunately, with balancing all of our workload post-pandemic with reduced staff numbers, a budget and housing crisis, officers have again not had the time or capacity to deal with this as a priority at present.
However, staff are reminded to update their personal data annually and disclose any areas of conflict. Failure to do so may result in an investigation and disciplinary action being taken.
Freedom of Information
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