FOI request (FOIR-552895845)
Enforcement Services
Requested Mon 09 October 2023
Responded Fri 13 October 2023I am writing to request information regarding your Enforcement Services.
Are you able to provide the name of any company that the council contract to supply enforcement activities on their behalf?
Are you able to provide that information for Environmental Crimes such as Litter, Dog Fouling and Fly-tipping? Also, any companies that provide parking enforcement of any type and debt collection or recovery. If any are outsourced, could you provide the contact name of the service manager or department?
If they are provided in house, could you just respond with that information and provide the name of the service manager or department?
All services provided in relation to Environmental Crimes are dealt with in house.
For further information and contact details, please visit our website via the following link:
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