FOI request (FOIR-480723330)
CPNs and PSPOs
Requested Tue 24 January 2023
Responded Wed 08 March 2023I would like the following information:
1. Please state the number of Community Protection Notices (CPNs) issued by your authority in the period November 2020 to October 2021; and also the period November 2021 to October 2022. Please also state the number of Community Protection Warnings (CPWs) issued within these periods.
2. If possible, please state the subject of these CPNs. For example, by providing the texts, or stating the subject matter of the orders (for example, litter, waste, ASB).
3. Please state whether you have a procedure for considering written representations requesting the varying or discharging of CPNs (outside of Magistrate Court appeal).
4. Please state the total number of Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) issued by your authority. Where possible, please provide a web link for the texts of these PSPOs.
5. Please state the number of fixed penalty notices (FPNs) issued for the offence of violating a PSPO in the calendar years 2021 and 2022. Where possible, please state the offences for which these FPNs were issued (for example, begging, alcohol, dog control, dispersal).
6. Please state if you contract a private enforcement company for issuing penalties for environmental or anti-social behaviour offences (for example, littering or PSPOs).
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding.
November 2020 to October 2021 - 33x CPNs issued and 66x CPWs issued.
November 2021 to October 2022 - 27x CPNs issued and 52x CPWs issued.
In the period November 2020 to October 2021:
33x CPNs issued.
1x for litter in garden causing a detriment.
1x for aggressive begging by standing or waiting around cash machines and shop entrances and other public spaces in a restricted area requesting, begging or receiving money from members of the public.
32x for consuming alcohol within a restricted area and causing harassment, alarm, distress or annoyance to members of the public.
66x CPWs issued - Community Protection Warnings.
In the period November 2021 to October 2022:
27x CPNs issued.
4x for litter in garden causing a detriment.
1x for aggressive begging by standing or waiting around cash machines and shop entrances and other public spaces in a restricted area requesting, begging or receiving money from members of the public.
22x for consuming alcohol within a restricted area and causing harassment, alarm, distress or annoyance to members of the public.
52x CPWs issued - Community Protection Warnings.
3. There is a clause on our CPNs which states, 'Applying to vary or discharge this CPN. You can apply to vary or discharge this CPN. In order to make such an application you should write to the Enforcement Manager - Wardens Car Parks and CCTV, Hastings Borough Council, , 3rd floor, Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex, TN34 3UY, setting out your reasons why you are asking for you're the CPN to be varied or discharged. We will then consider your request.'
4. Our current PSPOs can be viewed here:
This includes details on the ASB PSPO and the Gating PSPO. We do not currently have a PSPO for dogs but this is an item on the cabinet agenda on Monday 6 March 2023.
2021 - 1x for Dog Fouling under old PSPO - cancelled and not progressed. No other PSPO FPNs issued in this calendar year.
2022 - No PSPO FPNs issued in this calendar year.
Most of our CPN enforcement involves taking matters to the magistrate court with no FPNs issued.
6. No
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