
Only one incident is on record for the period 2010-2022.

Bulverhythe beach, between the Bo Peep Outfall and groyne RG3, was closed from 29th July 2021 to 5th August 2021 (inclusive) because of a burst rising sewer main immediately north of the beach.

The burst pipe flooded the area, including the upper beach, with sewage that was being pumped between the nearby pumping station and the local treatment works.

No other beach closures have been implemented.

During the annual bathing season 'advice against bathing' may be issued by the Environment Agency. Signage is then displayed advising of a risk of reduced water quality. This is not a closure, and beaches remain open to the public.

Likewise, on rare occasions where there is a known release of sewage, a warning may be issued by the Environment Agency advising of the risk of sewage. Again, beaches remain open to the public, unless the situation is similar to the incident above where closure was warranted.

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