FOI request (FOIR-456925988)
Supplier Invoice Payments
Requested Thu 06 October 2022
Responded Thu 27 October 2022I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from your Accounts Payable department.
Transactional invoice payment data for all trade suppliers, paid from 1st April 2019 - 31 March 2022 to include the following:
Mandatory Requirement:
Supplier name
Invoice date (date on invoice)
Date invoice was paid
Invoice gross value
Supplier invoice reference
For all invoices where the payment date is greater than 30 days after the invoice date.
Optional Requirement (please provide if available in the same report)
Invoice number (your system reference)
Date invoice was received (if recorded)
Further Guidance:
Please include:
Invoices submitted by trade suppliers only, typically VAT invoices as defined by HMRC advice.
The information in electronic form in a CSV, TXT file or excel format, as a mail attachment.
Do not include:
Payments such as employee expense, wayleaves, residential care payments, standing orders, and so on.
Any data you perceive as commercially sensitive or data protected (supplier name is not data protected for sole traders).
Information presented in a PDF format.
Please find attached requested information.
Freedom of Information
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