FOI request (FOIR-423413696)
Pay and procurement
Requested Thu 19 May 2022
Responded Mon 27 June 2022Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please could you provide us with the following for your local authority:
A. Traffic Enforcement
1. Does your local authority have responsibility for civil enforcement and car parking services?
2. If so, is that service delivered in house by the council or outsourced to a contractor/contractors?
3. If outsourced, please provide the name of the contractor or contractors delivering the service.
4. When the procurement contract for this service is set to expire or be renewed and whether there are any break clauses or dates within the contract.
B. Libraries
1. Does your local authority have responsibility for library services?
2. If so, is that service delivered in house by the council or outsourced to a contractor?
3. If outsourced, please provide the name of the contractor delivering the service.
4. When the procurement contract for this service is set to expire or be renewed and whether there are any break clauses or dates within the contract.
C. Pay rates
Please provide a list of job roles in the following services with the pay point they sit on within the NJC pay spine (if applicable):
1. Library services
2. Civil enforcement/traffic wardens
3. Waste and refuse workers including HGV drivers
4. Caretakers, gardeners and parks
5. Social workers
6. Social care services
7. Are there any employees who receive premium rates of pay for working patterns above those set out within the NJC agreement?
8. If so, please provide the job descriptions and services they provide and details of the premium rates of pay.
9. Does your council apply any recruitment and retention premiums to help recruit staff into hard to fill roles?
10. If so please provide the job descriptions and services they provide and details of the premium rates of pay.
A. Traffic Enforcement
1. Yes
2. In house
3. Not applicable
4. Not applicable
B. Libraries
1. No
2. Not applicable
3. Not applicable
4. Not applicable
C. Pay Rates>
1. Not applicable - Library services are the responsibility of East Sussex County Council
2. Civil Enforcement Officers
Lead Civil Enforcement Officers pay points 19 - 26
Civil Enforcement Officers pay points 06 - 22
3. Not applicable - Waste and refuse workers including HGV drivers are employed by our contractor and not by Hastings Borough Council
4. Not applicable - Parks and Gardens staff are employed by our contractor and not by Hastings Borough Council
5. Not applicable - Social Services is the responsibility of East Sussex County Council
6. Not applicable - Social Care is the responsibility of East Sussex County Council
7. No
8. Not applicable
9. Not applicable
10. Not applicable
Freedom of Information
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