FOI request (FOIR-416479837)
Travelling pitches
Requested Wed 20 April 2022
Responded Tue 17 May 2022Under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act, please provide me with the following details:
1. How many Gypsy and traveller transit, residential/permanent, Travelling Showpeople pitches are there in the council's district?
2. How many more pitches are currently needed in the council area and by when?
3. Have any future, potential pitches been identified. If so, how many?
4. Since November 2017, how many new Gypsy and traveller transit, permanent and Travelling Showpeople pitches have been created?
5. Since November 2017, how much money has the council received in Traveller Pitch Funding to build new traveller sites?
6. Since November 2017, how much money has the council spent trying to deliver new transit, permanent and Travelling Showpeople sites?
Q1. None.
Q2. The existing adopted Local Plan identifies and provides for two permanent pitches on a single site to meet identified need to 2016. See local Plan Policy FB10 and supporting paragraph 6.118 in particular (http://www.planvu.co.uk/hbc2015/written/dm/cpt5.php#fa3). This site is yet to be developed.
Q3. A Gypsy and Traveller Needs Assessment (GTAA) is currently being prepared. This will identify if new and what type of pitches are required in the Borough and by when. The GTAA will used to inform the forthcoming new Local Plan which is currently in production.
Q4. None.
Q5. Information not held.
Q6. Information not held.
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